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How to implement the formula for the number of undirected $k$-cycles in a...

This Wolfram MathWorld page said that,Giscard et al."A General Purpose Algorithm for Counting Simple Cycles and Simple Paths of Any Length." 16 Dec 2016. gave the formula for the number of undirected...

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How can I control curved edges between vertices?

I want to create graphs consisting of many nodes arranged in a line. The nodes have values (which determine their size) and should be arranged in increasing order. A simple example is something like...

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How to plot a community structure with specific properties

This code generates a community structure where each community is shown with a different color. The same color is used for bars within a community and outgoing edges from that community. I would like...

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EdgeLabels and EdgeLabelStyle of Graph

I try to name edges according to the nodes emerging from them and entering them. Each edge takes a specific name $e_{ij}$.The following example illustrates what is requiredGraph[{1 <-> 2, 2...

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Finding face vertices from the face adjacency graph

I have a question about face adjacency graphs. Suppose that I have an adjacency matrix M = {{0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0}, {1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, {0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0}, {1,...

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How to control Graph layout direction

I want to construct signal flow graphs using Mathematica. Below is a simple example. It works well enough except that it draws from right to left. In fact it seems to choose left to right or right to...

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How to Replace EdgeLabel in a Graph [duplicate]

I am working with Graphs in which I want to define a Graph with Symbols or Strings as EdgeLabels, and later replace these with functions of the symbols with symbols then replaced with numerical values....

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How to select graphs with specific vertex conditions?

I'm trying to select graphs that have a path with the following conditions:Include vertices a1, a2, b1, b2.Vertices a1 and a2 should be neighbors, and vertices b1 and b2 should be neighbors.Vertices in...

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Extracting vertex coordinates from an automatically laid out graph

Given a Graph with an automatically computed layout (i.e. not explicitly given VertexCoordinates, but using a GraphLayout method), how can we extract the coordinates of the vertices?In[]:= g =...

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Generating custom GraphLayout for a hyperbolic graph

I have code that generates a Matrix Mat (Mat =data) that, when the graph is plotted, AdjacencyGraph[Mat] gives a graph.Now, there are many inbuilt functions for GraphLayout. Once we fix a particular...

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How to visualize large graphs with directed edge bundling?

I'm wondering if anyone has implemented edge bundled graph plotting?An important paper is "Force-Directed Edge Bundling for Graph Visualization" by Danny Holten and Jarke J. van Wijk.

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How can we produce a graph layout with hierarchical edge bundling in...

I'm looking to reproduce the types of graph layout that are possible in D3 (http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/7607999) in Mathematica. Since Mathematica doesn't explicitly support force directed edge...

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Graph with non-integer vertices

Why the following works only with integers and if other names of vertices are used UndirectedEdge is needed?{Graph[{{1, 2}, {2, 3}, {3, 1}}], Graph[{{a, b}, {b, c}, {c, a}}], Graph[UndirectedEdge @@@...

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How to solve and output the coloring problem in permutations and combinations?

Apply the four different colors red, yellow, green, and black to the areas in the figure shown below, with the requirement that adjacent areas cannot have the same color. How many different coloring...

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How to partition graph on vertex degree. And count the number of edges with...

Step-I Input a graph and generate TableHow to partition graph on vertex degree. And count the number of edges with same end vertices as given in table given below. The program also shows the graph and...

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Output of IsomorphicGraphQ

Is it same for newer versions of Mathematica that IsomorphicGraphQ has problems with multiple self-connected edges?$Version{Graph[{1}, UndirectedEdge @@@ {{1, 1}}, ImageSize -> Tiny,...

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How to Apply Hierarchical Edge Bundling in a Very Large Graph?

I have a directed graph consisting of 1616 vertices and an edge count = 3315. I'm trying to plot this by the code...Clear["Global`*"]SetSystemOptions["GraphOptions" -> {"CacheResults" -> True,...

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How we can find neighborhood degree sum vertices and find count edges of same...

I am new in Mathematica. I want to draw a graph then add the degree of neighborhood vertices and generate a graph with neighborhood vertices sum degree. At next step I want to count edges of...

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How to generate a graph and label all vertices with eccentricity of each...

I want to generate a graph. Add degree of neighborhood vertex. and count the edges of edges with same end vertices of the graph.

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Reducing arrowhead size in HighlightGraph network

I have a two-dimensional dataset of company names and the type of business they do (retail, tech, food, etc.)When I do a HighlightGraph, the arrows are huge. Changing ImageSize has no effect. I have...

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Tree edge label visibility and legibility

I am building some tools to help me visualize fitting of generic n-dimensional nonlinear model. I have the data and results stored in a nested association. I've written a few functions to generate a...

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Removing `circular rules'

Say that I have a huge list (>300.000 elements) of polynomial equations and I want to simplify these bylooking for some simple equations of the form x[i] == _ or _ == x[i],converting these equations...

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Simulating network evolution based on common neighbors

I am new to studying networks in Mathematica and I would like to model the following network evolution process:Start with a random graph $g_0$ with $n$ nodes, $n$ even.At each time $t$, ach node $i$ is...

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Most common sublist occurance in a list of lists

I have a list of lists,{{a,b,c},{d,e,f},{a,b,f},{a,b,z,}...}Can I find sublists that occur very frequently in each list? For example, in this case, {a,b} occurs in three of the above lists, and is the...

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How to find fundamental cycles in a multiple edge graph?

I tried to find the fundamental cycles of a multiple edge graph below, but it doesn't seem to work.Is it true that the built-in function FindFundamentalCycles does not work with multiple edge graphs?...

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How can I find all the different ways to group integer numbers from 1 to 10...

(Unfortunately, I couldn't change the bounty message. By n above I meant the number of sublists.)How can I group a list of integers from 1 to 10 into 3 sublists of arbitrary length (but not zero)? I...

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How to list all vertex of a one-cycle graph in order (cw or ccw)?

Assuming I have a graph with a single cycle below, I want to list the vertices of this cycle in order. Whether it's clockwise (CW) or counterclockwise (CCW) is okay, as long as we are consistent. So...

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Connected-component labeling in Mathematica? [closed]

I needed an implementation of the well-known one-pass connected-component labeling algorithm, seehttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Connected-component_labelingand I have programmed it myself according to...

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Creating a hyperlink graph from Wikipedia

This goes out to all the Mathematica experts - I'm hoping to get some helpful comments, ideas or code for that matter.In my attempts to maximize learning efficiency I had the idea to create an...

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How can I make this code to count Hamiltonian paths faster?

I have this very basic code to count Hamiltonian paths in a graph:privateCountHamiltonians = Function[{vertices, current, visited}, Module[{newVisited }, ( newVisited = Append[visited, current]; If[...

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